Sunday, April 27, 2014

College Station Pest Control Pros Protect Homes this Termite Season

Locals should be on the lookout for signs of termite infestations such as chewed up or rotten wood. Seeing as how destructive these termites can be, to leave the problem unattended is a definite way to exacerbate the situation, until it becomes near-impossible to solve. Before you know it, your home has become unsafe and uninhabitable because the termites have eaten right through it. Because it is not only the property, but also the safety of the inhabitants, at stake, it is advised that anyone finding a hint of termite infestation in the house should immediately seek professional help.

It shouldn’t be too hard, anyway, considering how many professionals are out there servicing for pest control in College Station, TX, and everywhere else in the state. Experienced companies, especially, know the proper methods for extermination, according to the severity of the problem.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Reliable Bryan Pest Control Pros Can Take Out Pests, Common or Rare

This is also the reason why College Station animal control professionals are very much in demand, especially during the warm and hot months of spring and summer when these pests are most active. Then again, despite the potentially extreme climate in Texas, it does not mean that bug and pest infestations are only seasonal. In fact, there have been recent studies reporting that many varieties of insect pests actually have the resilience to survive the onslaught of the harsh winter climate.

All in all, therefore, folks who are about to move into Texas might as well prepare themselves in dealing with these pests on a regular basis. Fortunately, though, there is no shortage of professionals in the state, so they should have no problem getting a hold of one, such as Eco-Zapp.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Expert Pest Control in College Station Has a Solution to Termite Swarm

Termites are also feared for their strong bite. In fact when they run out of food, they will attack. Like other insects, termites may carry diseases, and so you should avoid getting bitten at all cost. If you find mud tunnels in your house, it’s a sign that you must have your home professionally inspected and the critters completely exterminated. With reliable College Station pest control services from a company like Eco-Zapp, you can rest assured that your home will remain in one piece regardless of any termite swarm.

Termites reproduce fast and are difficult to kill. Never attempt to disturb their colonies as soldier termites will bite if handled. Instead, you can enlist the services of an experienced exterminator like Eco-Zapp that uses safe methods to wipe out termite colonies and thereby protect your home from lasting damage.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Scorpions in Bryan / College Station TX

Scorpions are among the scariest and dangerous pest that often infests homes in Bryan TX. Their curved back, large pincers, eight legs and venomous stinger identify these deadly pests. They have quite a long life span ranging from 4-25 years. Homeowners in Bryan TX are frequently facing threats from these pests, getting rid of them has been a bit problematic and dangerous. However, if you are a local in this area contacting a pest control company might be a solution to your problem. A pest control company has the edge over you in various ways in keeping these venomous pests away from your home. Some of the most effective measures they employ include the following:
  1. Implementing Effective Pest Control Products – Any pest control company places pest control products in the identified areas where the scorpions usually hide or harbor. They will often use some kind of chemical dust to break the hard and waxy cuticle of scorpions so that the pesticides can infiltrate into their bodies. "Diatomaceous Earth" (D.E.) is a similar product and it is made from fossils of fresh water organisms. They work by cutting up the shells of these pests, dehydrate them causing them to die. It does not exceed 48 hours before they die. Professionals can only use both of these products.
  2. Sealing All the Possible Entry Points – These chemical dusts are put in all vulnerable areas in your home which can form good hub for them to enter. These include electrical lines, doorways, and plumbing lines and weep holes found in stucco walls. Ground cables, water boxes plus fence pillars are also treated with these chemical dusts. However, there are areas like the cabinet voids, which are never sprayed with the dangerous pesticides.
  3. Smart Landscaping – This entails general sanitation of the yard surrounding your home. Minimizing wood piles, landscape debris or other areas that can provide shelter for the scorpions. Any trees that touches the house should be cut back because scorpions can climb on trees swiftly. You can trim or shave palm fond stems as they may too provide shelter for them.
  4. Getting Rid of Bugs – Maintain general house tidiness to get rid of bugs. Bugs are favorite food for scorpions. Spray where the bugs hide to completely exterminate them so that you deprive them food. Having a cat also can deter a scorpion in your home.

Facts about Scorpion

They are nocturnal and can survive for months without eating. They feed on mice, small lizards and mostly lizards. When they eat, they eat in large quantities.
Scorpions can survive in harsh environments such as hot deserts and thrives in freezing temperatures. For more information, you pay a visit to the Scorpion College station TX, where you will get more facts.
To eradicate scorpions from your home, a quality control program can only be achieved by collaborating with one of the pest control companies in Bryan TX. The practices these companies would provide include utilizing special chemicals in spraying, treating harborage areas, making recommendations to homeowners, applying extensive chemical barriers and landscaping. Therefore, if you are constantly infested by scorpions just visit your nearest pest control expert in Bryan TX.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Improve Your Living Conditions with Pest Control in College Station

In order to get rid of ants and other common insects, homeowners are advised to clean their homes thoroughly. They should vacuum and sweep their floors to get rid of dirt, debris, and food particles. Trash and left over food must be disposed off and never left lying around the house. Ant killer spray should also be routinely sprayed onto doors, windows, and areas where ants and other insects have been spotted.

However, if you have a severe infestation problem, or are dealing with more dangerous pests, like venomous spiders and scorpions, it is advisable to contact companies that specialize in comprehensive pest control in College Station and Bryan, Texas, like EcoZapp Pest & Termite Control. Reputable pest control companies can perform thorough pest control, and will cover all parts of the residential or commercial property.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fight Dengue-Carrying Mosquitoes with Expert Pest Control in College Station, TX

With Texas apparently already experiencing cases of dengue fever, residents and business owners should be more vigilant against the presence of these disease-carrying mosquitoes. Experts in pest control in College Station, such as EcoZapp for example, would advise folks to get rid of stagnant water, whether it be in the backyard or in the kitchen.

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in collected water, thereby easily becoming a breeding ground for a full-blown dengue epidemic. While not all mosquitoes carry the dengue virus, it is still safer to just keep them away from your home at all costs. In case you don’t feel confident in your mosquito-hunting skills, you might as well leave it up to reliable pest control companies in College Station, TX.